My Act Of Kindness ❤
When I saw poor people on roads, I can not express my feelings. I thought that I live in a luxurious life where I can take proper diet , study , social life , parties etc but these people how they can survive. They have not enough money to bought some food. In Pakistan, labor earn just 2–2.5 dollars a day, so now you think that how they survive with family. I always help the poor people in form money when I saw beggars and poor people. In Quran, “Be good to orphans and the needy. Speak nicely to people.And help the poor” 02:83 (Surah Al-Baqarah).
I am doing BE Mechanical Engineering from DHA SUFFA University. I had done an internship from Nissan Ghandhara Limited in August 2019. Its fantastic period in my life that I can not forget where I learned many things in industry. Mostly I drink tea with laborers and they said “ Sir aap office me araam se chai pee len aap hmare sath… “ I replied that “ Jo khalos or chahat aap log dety hen wo office me nhi “ so I always listen their problems during this time. After this act of kindness, I always feel comfortable.
I don’t have much time during university days because I have other projects that can not spare a time with him. When the university gives summer and winter break, they came Nano’s home for a month. I played with him we eat together, he also loves cricket, so I played with him.